
In trying to follow Jesus’ way of humility and service, within our congregation we do not have positions of prestige and power, or titles that distinguish us from one another. We do recognize, as Paul loves to describe it, that we are like parts of a body with different roles of service that we offer to one another. Here’s some of our thinking on leadership.

On Leadership

Each person is a valuable part of a spiritual community. Those who teach and serve in particular ways are not more important or spiritual than anyone else, but because you might like to know a little about the families who serve the community in this way, here’s a brief introduction to their stories.

Read Our Pastors’ Stories

In the conviction that we only actually believe what we do, the practice of our faith daily in the world is vital. The imitation of Christ is our calling in everything we do. While this is not limited what we do together, as a faith community, here are some of our ways of practicing our faith communally:

  • Serving a meal at The Firehouse Shelter every month.
  • Providing transitional shelter for those who are getting back on their feet.
  • Hosting daily groups for addiction recovery.
  • Developing relationships through men’s and women’s monthly fellowships, and twice monthly fellowship meals on Sundays.
  • Serving one another during times of need with meals, care, and visits.
  • Being intentional about the spiritual growth of our youth.
  • Support and participation in ministry in the country of Honduras.
  • Connecting and volunteering with a variety of organizations in Birmingham that serve those at risk or with needs.

These examples are descriptive of organic and natural ways we minister to one another and our neighbors, and not the usual list of programs and ministries.